
Learn how to quickly setup allcaptcha in your Django templates.

First, you need to a Form that inherits from CaptchaFormMixin:

from django import forms
from allcaptcha.mixins import CaptchaFormMixin

class MySecureForm(CaptchaFormMixin, forms.Form)
    email = forms.EmailField()

Then, you’re simply going to instantiate and include the form instance in your template context as usual.

In your template, you need to make sure you include the bundled Javascript like so:

{{ form.media.js }}

You should preferably include this right before the closing body tag after all other HTML elements have been rendered.

In your form tag, you need to render the Captcha challenge:

{% load allcaptcha_tags %}

<form method="post" action=".">
    {% csrf_token %}
    {{ form }}
    {% render_challenge %}
    <button type="submit">Send</button>

The render_challenge template tag will render a visible Hcaptcha or Recapptcha V2 challenge by default.

If you want to render an invisible challenge instead, do this:

{% load allcaptcha_tags %}

<form method="post" action=".">
    {% csrf_token %}
    {{ form }}
    {% render_challenge "invisible" "Submit" %}

This will render a button that will trigger the invisible challenge on click.

The text on this button will read Submit.

Manual validation

Instead of using the CaptchaFormMixin, you can manually validate any challenge response by calling the valid_response function:

from allcaptcha.utils import valid_response

success = valid_response("my-challenge-response")

This function will return either True or False depending on whether the response was valid or not.

Manual rendering

The steps above will allow to quickly integrate captcha into any Form.

However, you might want to manually render your challenges and call your own Javascript functions upon challenge completion.

In that case, take a look at the Template Tags reference to see all the available templates that will allow you to render your own HTML elements to trigger challenges.