Template Tags ============= We provide a few template tags to make it easier to render captcha challenges as well as manually render your own challenge. **get_sitekey()** Returns the site key for the currently active provider. **get_challenge_class()** Returns the css class name for the currently active provider. This is used to automatically bind challenges to HTML elements. **get_callback_name()** Return the Javascript callback function name for the currently active provider. **render_challenge(challenge_type="visible", text="submit", js_callback=[RECAPTCHA_JS_CALLBACK|HCAPTCHA_JS_CALLBACK], theme="light", size="normal")** Renders the challenge as follows: - Visible challenges (example, Checkbox) as renders as divs. - Invisible challenges are rendered as buttons. The ``text`` arguments specifies the text to use for buttons. Invisible challenges need a Javascript callback function. By default, this is set to either ``RECAPTCHA_JS_CALLBACK`` or ``HCAPTCHA_JS_CALLBACK``. The default callback provided will submit the form. You can override the kind of HTML generated by creating a template called ``challenge.html`` in the ``allcaptcha`` directory inside your global templates directory.