Settings ======== django-allcaptcha comes with several settings. Some come with sane defaults while others need to be set manually. **PROVIDER** **Type:** str **Default:** hcaptcha The provider to activate. Can be one of the following: - hcaptcha - recaptcha **CAPTCHA_CHALLENGE_THEME** **Type:** str **Default:** light Specify either *dark* or *light* theme when rendering the challenge. **CAPTCHA_CHALLENGE_SIZE** **Type:** str **Default** normal Render either a *normal* or *compact* sized challenge widget. HCaptcha specific settings -------------------------- **HCAPTCHA_URL** **Type:** str **Default:** The URL where HCaptcha challenge tokens will be sent for verification. **HCAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY** **Type:** str **Default:** None Your secret key. **HCAPTCHA_SITE_KEY** **Type:** str **Default:** None Your site key. **HCAPTCHA_JS** **Type:** str **Default**: The Javascript file containing HCaptcha APIs. **HCAPTCHA_JS_CALLBACK** **Type:** str **Default:** onHcaptchaSubmit The callback function to execute after the user completes the invisible challenge. Recaptcha specific settings --------------------------- ***RECAPTCHA_URL** **Type:** str **Default:** The URL where ReCaptcha challenge tokens will be sent for verification. **RECAPTCHA_V2_SECRET_KEY** **Type:** str **Default:** None Your V2 secret key. **RECAPTCHA_V2_SITE_KEY** **Type:** str **Default:** None Your V2 site key. **RECAPTCHA_V3_SECRET_KEY** **Type:** str **Default:** None Your V3 secret key. **RECAPTCHA_V3_SITE_KEY** **Type:** str **Default:** None Your V3 site key. **RECAPTCHA_JS** **Type:** str **Default:** The Javascript file containing Recaptcha APIs. **RECAPTCHA_JS_CALLBACK** **Type:** str **Default:** onRecaptchaSubmit The callback function to execute after the user completes the invisible or V3 challenge. **RECAPTCHA_VERSION** **Type**: int **Default**: 2 The version of Recaptcha to use. **RECAPTCHA_MIN_SCORE** **Type**: float **Default:** 0.6 The minimum score for a Recaptcha V3 challenge to be considered successful.